"What is Wellbeing?

At the British International School, we cater to each member of our community. We have a network of emotional support with interdisciplinary professionals who accompany students at different stages of academic and/or socio-emotional processes, both individually and collectively, with the aim of harmonizing the community.

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Program objectives

Accompany and monitor the student well-being of the four sections of the School (Preschool, Primary, Secondary, and High School), with emphasis on cases of students facing emotional, interpersonal, or academic difficulties within the School.

To plan, execute, monitor, and evaluate the various activities of the College’s Promotion and Prevention Plan, with the aim of ensuring a positive environment and healthy coexistence among the members of the Educational Community.

The Wellbeing Committee has the following functions.
  • We provide ongoing support to the students’ wellbeing across all sections of the school.
  • We are here to accompany them in their development and ensure they feel supported.
  • Identify and address individual situations of emotional or academic stress.
  • We work together to find solutions and ensure a positive learning environment.
  • We ensure that no student falls behind academically due to difficulties.
  • We collaborate with teachers and parents to overcome challenges and promote academic success.
  • We collaborate closely with the admissions department to facilitate the transition of new students.
  • We want every student to feel welcomed and to integrate positively into our community.
  • We reviewed the code of conduct and proposed changes to enhance the school environment.
  • We monitored the surroundings in each section, suggesting improvements to create a positive and welcoming space.

The international Character Counts program provides character development education, cultivating resilient personalities to face academic and personal challenges. The Six Pillars of Character, identified in 1992, represent universal ethical values that transcend cultural and social differences. Its positive impact is reflected in students who contribute as individuals of integrity and value to society.

The Pillars


Always keeping promises, honouring your words, and earning the trust of everyone.


Like a verbal hug, it demonstrates courtesy and understanding, valuing each person and their unique perspectives.


To assume responsibilities with grace and seriousness, being a reliable pillar in any situation.


It is the ethical compass that points towards equality and respect, creating a fair environment for all.


Like a gentle ray of sunshine, she cares for and supports others, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.


As a friendly neighbour, contributes positively to the community, respecting the rules, and making the world a better place.

School For Parents

The parenting school provides support tools for parents to collaborate in the upbringing and comprehensive education of their children through lectures with experts on various topics of interest regarding the personal development of children and adolescents.

Our Team

Judith Perea Cuello

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Leonardo Arteta Arteta

Coordinator of School Wellbeing

Paola Arévalo Caicedo

Career Counselor and Guidance Adviser

Luis Héctor Parra

Psychologist Year 8 to Year 10

Diana Rojas

Primary Psychologist

Carolina Escolar

Early Years Psychologist

Mireya Sntodomimgo

Early Years Speech Therapist

Melina Cabrera


Susana Andraus

Admisions Psychologist