British International School

Ms. Jeannette Rinkel


Welcome to the British International School of Barranquilla

We are a bilingual IB school with high academic standards and British culture. Our comprehensive education is values-based and our primary focus is on social behaviour.

Our rigorous academic programmes follow a practical “learning by doing” or Hands On approach, enabling our graduates to excel in universities and companies around the world. Our doors are always open to guide and support our educational community with respect and kindness. Please contact us for any further enquiries.

Best regards.

The British International School, founded in 1981, is a private co-educational school providing an excellent, high quality bilingual curriculum in Pre-School, Primary and Secondary, as well as an optimal learning environment. We promote innovation, creativity, international mindedness and independent critical thinking, encouraging students to explore and learn beyond the classroom. We treat all students with absolute respect and our well-balanced curriculum is based on our house system, fostering healthy competition and a strong sense of belonging from day one.

Our well-balanced and challenging curriculum is grounded in our house system, which fosters healthy competition and a strong sense of belonging. From day one, all students become members of one of four houses: Wellington, Darwin, Shakespeare and Churchill.



Ofrecer una educación integral bilingüe colombo-británica de excelente nivel, fundamentada en la investigación y la tecnología, en el mejoramiento continuo de los programas de estudios nacionales e internacionales, en valores democráticos, morales y religiosos, en normas de buen comportamiento social y en el desarrollo de competencias de liderazgo con visión internacional. Satisfacer las necesidades de bienestar de nuestro recurso humano; fomentar la conservación del medio ambiente; y garantizar la estabilidad y proyección de nuestra organización, para: prosperar como empresa educativa en Barranquilla, y colmar las expectativas de nuestros educandos, las de sus padres y la sociedad.



Ser reconocida por la comunidad educativa, nacional e internacional, como una institución bilingüe del más alto nivel de orientación colombo-británica, que ejerce liderazgo pedagógico, investigativo, científico, tecnológico, cultural y formativo; y desarrolla integralmente en sus educandos, conocimientos, valores humanos, potencialidades y competencias que les permiten destacarse como profesionales distinguidos e influyentes del progreso de Colombia y la comunidad internacional.

El British International School busca formar integralmente a alumnos que puedan responder ante las exigencias de un mundo globalizado y ser líderes con miradas locales, que conozcan su región, pero que también tengan la capacidad de entender la complejidad del mundo actual, para lo cual el colegio ofrece un currículo que les brinda una educación con una formación que les permita ser competentes a nivel nacional e internacional.

Our Symbols


These are the days / Spent in the Sun / These are the days / Full of life, full of fun / We sing for you / Mary our Mother / All of us here / Are sisters and brothers / A school of many nations / Led by God above / Working, playing / All with love / Onward and Upward / We will fly / Higher and higher / In the sky / For you we try our best / For you we laugh and sing / Help us to follow you / And give you everything / Be with us now / In school and in rest / Watch over us Lord / And please bless B.I.S.



The emblem features a royal crown, a symbol of excellence and distinction, above the flags of Colombia and the United Kingdom. The distinctive towers represent the facade of BIS. One of the towers symbolises the academy and the other the formative aspects of the school in a process of integral development. In this new shield, the doors are open, in line with the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate and our own approach to learning. The font (or type style) is our own as it was designed especially for our school.

torres tic

The Towers

The physical appearance of the British International School's facilities is no coincidence. It is built in the English style but with an international dimension. Its three distinctive features: the International Baccalaureate, a Civic Education - Social Behaviour and bilingual education are symbolically present at the front door of the institution. The first two are represented by the two towers: an academic pillar and a social behaviour pillar, and the third is represented by the English arch of the bridge connecting the two towers.