British International School

Ms. Jeannette Rinkel


Welcome to the British International School of Barranquilla.

We are an IB school, bilingual, with high academic standards, and recognised for our British culture. We provide a holistic, values-based education through our school’s core pillar of Social Behaviour.

Our academically rigorous programmes operate in a “learning by doing” perspective, i.e. Hands On; practical approach to learning, which enables our graduates to distinguish themselves in universities and businesses around the world.

Nuestras puertas siempre están abiertas para atender, orientar y guiar a toda nuestra comunidad educativa, basándonos  en el respeto mutuo y buen trato. Contamos con un maravilloso equipo de docentes y funcionarios altamente calificados. Por lo que si tuvieran más preguntas luego de visitar nuestra página web, no duden en contactarnos para poder atenderlos y entablar una conversación con ustedes.

Con los mejores deseos,

Jeannette Rinkel, Rectora

The British International School was founded in 1981, this private co-educational institution offers an exceptional, high quality bilingual academic and formative curriculum to Pre-School, Primary and Secondary students as well as an optimal learning environment.

Our educational approach promotes innovation, creativity, international mindedness and independent critical thinking. Throughout their school life, students are encouraged to explore and learn beyond the boundaries of the classroom, making practical connections and interacting with the world around them. All students are treated as individuals, with absolute respect given at all times.

Our well-balanced and challenging curriculum is grounded in our house system, which fosters healthy competition and a strong sense of belonging. From day one, all students become members of one of four houses: Wellington, Darwin, Shakespeare and Churchill.



To offer a comprehensive bilingual British-Colombian education of an excellent standard, based on research and technology, on the continuous improvement of national and international curricula, on democratic, moral and religious values, on standards of good social behaviour and on the development of leadership skills with an international vision. To satisfy the welfare needs of our human resources; to promote the conservation of the environment; and to guarantee the stability and projection of our organisation, in order to: prosper as an educational company in Barranquilla, and to fulfil the expectations of our students, their parents and society.



To be recognised by the national and international educational community as a bilingual institution of the highest level of Colombian-British orientation, which exercises pedagogical, investigative, scientific, technological, cultural and formative leadership; and develops integrally in its students, knowledge, human values, potentialities and competencies that allow them to stand out as distinguished and influential professionals in the progress of Colombia and the international community.

Values of Excellence

Our Institution

Our Commitment

Our raison d'être

Our obligation

Our livelihood

The British International School seeks to educate students who can respond to the demands of a globalised world and be leaders with a local outlook, who know their region, but who also have the ability to understand the complexity of today’s world. The school offers a curriculum which provides them with an education that enables them to be competent on a national and international level.

Our Symbols

Copy of Orchestra-18


These are the days / Spent in the Sun / These are the days / Full of life, full of fun / We sing for you / Mary our Mother / All of us here / Are sisters and brothers / A school of many nations / Led by God above / Working, playing / All with love / Onward and Upward / We will fly / Higher and higher / In the sky / For you we try our best / For you we laugh and sing / Help us to follow you / And give you everything / Be with us now / In school and in rest / Watch over us Lord / And please bless B.I.S.



The emblem features a royal crown, a symbol of excellence and distinction, above the flags of Colombia and the United Kingdom. The distinctive towers represent the facade of BIS. One of the towers symbolises the academy and the other the formative aspects of the school in a process of integral development. In this new shield, the doors are open, in line with the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate and our own approach to learning. The font (or type style) is our own as it was designed especially for our school.

torres tic

The Towers

The physical appearance of the British International School's facilities is no coincidence. It is built in the English style but with an international dimension. Its three distinctive features: the International Baccalaureate, a Civic Education - Social Behaviour and bilingual education are symbolically present at the front door of the institution. The first two are represented by the two towers: an academic pillar and a social behaviour pillar, and the third is represented by the English arch of the bridge connecting the two towers.

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